• O N L I N E S C H E D U L E •
Holistic and Nurturing sessions
The sessions combine Slow VinyasaYoga, Breath work (pranayama), gentle Qi-gong, and finish with Sound Bath (nada Yoga) Relaxation/Meditation. A delightful blend that connects your body mind and spirit.
• G R O U P L I V E S E S S I O N S - Z O O M •
H o w i t w o r k s
- Book a space above from the upcoming classes -
- You will get an email with the confirmation and with the instructions to access the online class.
- Make sure you have Zoom application if not you should install it.
- You have the option to keep the camera off. The teacher can assist you better if it is on. Your microphone will automatically be set to mute.
- Participants take full responsibility of their own safety. Please honour your body and your journey.
- By enrolling the classes you accept Angelica's terms and conditions.
- The suggested donation is £5, but you are very welcome to join the class for free or to donate a different amount.
• I N S T A G R A M L I V E & I G T V •
You are very welcome to join some short session/meditations LIVE, or you can take
the classes whenever it suits you, as these classes are available on my IGTV: @theyogaloveaffair .
F E B- 22
M o n d a y 22th
8:20 - 8:35 EU Time
B r e a t h w o r k - S o u n d b a t h
Sunrise Meditation
F E B- 25
T h u r s d a y 25th
13:30 - 13:55 UK Time
S o u n d B a t h M e d i t a t i o n - Q i g o n g
- B r e a t h w o r k
Short Session - 20mint
F E B - 26
F r i d a y 26th
18:15 - 18:30 EU Time
B r e a t h w o r k - S o u n d b a t h
Sunset Meditation
Every Friday I update a new class for you to practice during the weekend. In the YouTube Library you will find not only wiht classes, but also meditations, breathwork and useful tips for your practice. If you practice, let me know, I am very happy to hear from you!!