• Y O G A W E E K E N D S - D A T E S •
I have created a lovely, crafted yoga experience where we will have the
time and space to practice different forms of Yoga and to enjoy the luxury of simplicity, tranquility and connection with Nature.
We will have the opportunity to balance our solar and lunar energies (yin and
yang) through physical practice, meditation, pranayama (breathing exercises), sound baths, and sound massage.
Additionally you are very welcome to join me for a moon ceremony by the sea. Each weekend we follow the appropriate moon cycle (full or new moon) with the intention to realign our energy and to come back to our deepest joyful essence.
Please check all the details below and if you have any questions, or in the
event that the dates don't suit you, please don't hesitate to contact me.
If you are planing to come with friends, please let me know we will do our best to arrange better options for you.
find your self-love date:
• 2 0 2 2 •
For different dates, groups, or a private/tailored retreat, let me know and we will do our best to arrange better options for you.