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  L E T 'S  P R A C T I C E  T O G E T H E R  

Let's stay healthy and happy

You can find my sessions LIVE on InsigthTimer and pre-recorded sessions on YouTube & InsightTimer (meditation) so you can choose whenever and whatever suits you. These are just like my "in-person sessions" a combination of a dynamic flow - physical practice and the delicious Sound Bath Savasana.


I hope you enjoy "staying healthy" with these practices as much as I am enjoying preparing them for you!! Try these and feel free to send me comments, I would love to hear from you!  

Yoga & meditation & sound bath svasana 

  I N S I G H T T I M E R   L I V E  



You are very welcome to join my classes LIVE

on InsightTimer LIVE:   @angelicaVasquez



T H U R S D A Y S  

Soundbath Meditation

18:15 - 19:15  EU time 



S U N  D A Y S

Yoga, Qigong & Soundbath Svasana

16:30 - 17:30  EU Time

Soundbath Meditation

  18:00 - 18:30  EU Time

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 You can enjoy the classes  here,

or directly on my

YouTube Channel:



Sound Baths



 •  D O N A T I O N S 

My primary desire and motivation is to help you stay healthy and joyful which is why I offer all my online sessions for free (on Instagram and also on YouTube) but, if you would like to share your gratitude any donation would be very welcome!

Thank you

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We respect your privacy and won't send you crap.

Thank you 

  • theyogaloveaffair

© 2023 Design & images by Angelica Vasquez 

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